As we have been preparing for our move, I've noticed that I have little habits to keep things in order, that are no longer helpful. For example, the other day Ellie and I were at the grocery store, and I typically pick up a canned food item, or bag of dry beans to stock up on "just in case". So I grabbed my canned food, threw it into my cart and went on my way. When I got home and was putting the groceries away, it hit me, HOW ARE WE GOING TO EAT ALL THESE CANNED FOODS BEFORE WE MOVE!? It was funny to realize that there were so many parts of our lifestyle that were changing. I now have to make a conscious effort to NOT pick up extra food, cleaning products, or sale items for the home, and it has been surprisingly hard to get in to that new mindset. It will be good for me to break these habits now, because we will have very little storage space for food, and won't have a car in China! My guess is we will have to make daily trips to the market, because without a car, we'll have to walk or bike home with ALL the groceries we just bought. It's fun for me to think about all the little changes we will be making, and how each of those are a new adventure.
We have been focusing on using every last drop of what we have left, so we don't waste any more than we have to, which means, I'm down to hotel shampoos and we have 13 more lbs. of beans to eat, wish us luck!